
The hazy skies, The pain inside,The cloud of opportunities,Locked inside..The sword of lightning,Striking through the clouds,The clouds open up,Releasing the pain inside.. The drops of life,Fall out of the skies,The paddy fields,Look at the sky and smile..

Watchman Chacha

The gate closed with a clank. I looked at the back of the shiny coated Hyundai Santro. It looked nice. From the back of the vehicle, i could see a little head bob out. Then i saw a tiny hand

Point A to B..

I am cutting through the wind at break neck speeds. The wind cooling the side of my cheeks. The whoosh of the wind, rattling of the various parts of the chariot, children screaming, the nonchallant chit chat of the people


The light seeped in and the darkness was getting covered by light.. The sun was peeking at me from between the mountains.. I shifted my head to take in more of what was happening.. My semicircular vision now encapsulated a

The Continuum

The conversation that led to the meaning of life.It started of in a very random manner, but continued to take shape.Read onPerson A : Harry potter's birthday is on 31st JulyPerson B: Harry Potter is fictiousPerson A : Harry potter's

E-man vs Turtle Woman

Photo courtesy unoguyThe trees made a hiss,The situation was amiss,The sky was pitch black,E man came out of his shack.. His mind was very dark,The security at the bank was stark,His eyes turned all green,The bank was the next scene..


The mind is in a bind, The thoughts all in rewind, The past is raising its head, I thought those memories were dead.. The brain is making its move, The emotions have no clue, The control on anger is vain,


The carcass of ecstasy on the floor, The murder of pleasure made me sore, The imagination of mind to the rescue, Ideas in the brain were very few.. The lines are slowly germinating, The emotions so deep and penetrating, The

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